The US DOD has announced a new programme seeking disaster relief AI to assess the damage and assist emergy responders. The US Department of Defence (DOD) has launched the Defence Innovation Unit’s (DIU) xView2 Challenge, seeking disaster relief AI innovations that can assess damage automatically from the sky. They are seeking ...
Officials from the US Department of Defense spoke about the importance of cloud warfighting capabilities at a Pentagon event. The Department of Defense (DOD) Chief Information Officer Dana Deasy spoke about the army’s readiness for cloud warfighting technology. He said that warfighters were ready for enterprise cloud technology to gain better ...
A Washington summit featured senior defence officials discussing cybersecurity strategy and new technology to fight the threat. Panellists at the summit discussed how new developments are affecting the US cybersecurity strategy to protect military information and national infrastructure. Speakers said that the growing reliance on computers and data means that strong ...
The US Department of Defence has released its Digital Modernization Strategy which will inform their information technology reforms. The DOD Digital Modernization Strategy serves as the armed force’s Information Resource Management (IRM) strategic plan as well as presenting IT-related goals that will help secure the National Defence Strategy (NDS) and the ...