Lockheed Martin has been contracted by the US Army to modernise its live training program, specifically for vehicle crews. Working with its partner, Saab, Lockheed Martin will help develop simplified training programs for crews, bringing together numerous current systems into one product. The training systems are managed by the US Army Program ...
A US Army demonstration has been undertaken to assess the capability improvements of diesel trucks using a proprietary hydrogen injection system. Developed by Commercial Hydrogen Inc of Houston, the system is designed to improve mileage and air quality for diesel trucks, which was confirmed by the test. The initial installation and testing went ...
Northrup Grumman was selected by the US Army to demonstrate its Highly Adaptable Multi-Mission Radar (HAMMR) earlier this year. The test, carried out at the 2017 counter-rocket, artillery and mortar (C-RAM) test at Yuma Proving Ground, demonstrated the radar’s multi-mission capability. Incorporating an Active Electronically Scanned Array fighter radar, mounted on a ...
Lockheed Martin has successfully tested its modernised Tactical Missile System (TACMS) missile, during a long-range mission. This is the sixth consecutive successful flight for TACMS at White Sands Missile Range, New Mexico and confirms that the missile functions as designed and meets the Engineering & Manufacturing Development (EMD) program requirements. Manufactured at Lockheed Martin’s Precision ...