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QinetiQ has completed a £40 million programme of upgrades on the UNESCO World Heritage Site of St. Kilda. The upgrades, part of the Air Ranges Modernisation Programme, demonstrate QinetiQ’s commitment to modernising both the UK’s test and evaluation (T&E), and training facilities to maximise the MOD’s mission preparedness. As part of MOD ...

December 2016 saw QinetiQ awarded a £1Bn contract amendment to the LTPA from the UK Ministry of Defence. The contract saw QinetiQ agree to invest £108M in modernising facilities, equipment and operation of the air ranges at MOD Aberporth and MOD Hebrides Under the agreement, MOD and QinetiQ have confirmed £16.8M ...

Established by the MOD, a tracking base has been located in the St Kilda archipelago since 1957. The base itself is on the island of Hirta, north west of the Scottish mainland, an island so remote that the last islanders abandoned the isle in 1930. It is currently inhabited by ...


DPRTE partner DIO awards £1.6bn contracts to upgrade UK Defence estate

October 17, 2024

Homeland - Defence contractors compliance with SSRO under scrutiny

The latest Compliance Bulletin evaluates how effectively defence contractors are adhering to the regulations for reporting on non-competitive, or single

Co-founders Shefali Sharma (L) and Eddie Jackson (R) in front of the servers being used for AVIS processing to support strategic government decision making.

September 24, 2024

Homeland - UK AI start-up secures first ever software Agreement Lite with MOD

AI & robotics start-up Oxford Dynamics has secured an Enterprise Agreement Lite with the UK Ministry of Defence worth up