NATO Communications and Information (NCI) Agency will continue accepting submissions for the second annual Defence Innovation Challenge through 15 March 2017 in order to accommodate the high level of interest in the program. The Defence Innovation Challenge is aimed at accelerating transformational, state-of-the-art technology solutions from small businesses and academia in ...
Defence Online speaks exclusively with Andy Johnston, Head of the Defence Programme for techUK, the industry association dedicated to promoting and bringing new opportunities to the tech sector. Representing the companies and technologies that are defining the world of tomorrow, techUK members employ some 700,000 people. The tech industry is growing ...
The UK Ministry of Defence is determined to put small businesses at the heart of its procurement, helping to deliver innovation and value for money across the supply chain. From developing innovation challenges to setting a spend target, the MOD is encouraging small businesses to step onto the defence supply chain. ...
Announced as part of the Defence Innovation Initiative, the Defence and Security Accelerator is officially launched today. Devised as a conduit for collaboration between industry, government defence and security departments, academia, and allies, the Accelerator will allow the rapid development of innovative solutions to the most pressing security challenges. The Accelerator has ...