The Japan Maritime Self-Defense Force and the United States Missile Defense Agency (MDA) have completed a successful intercept flight test in cooperation with the US Navy off the coast of Kauai in Hawaii. A Raytheon SM-3 Block IB missile intercepted a ballistic missile target, marking the first time Japan has tested the sophisticated interceptor as announced ...
The world’s first neural network able to explain itself is in development at Raytheon as part of the DARPA Explainable Artificial Intelligence programme. Through the programme DARPA aims to establish a suite of machine learning techniques with the ability to produce explainable models without compromising on performance. This will allow human ...
Raytheon has officially announced the opening of a brand new $72 million, 30,000 square foot facility on its existing Andover, Massachusetts campus. While Raytheon already houses many state-of-the-art manufacturing technologies at Andover, the advanced manufacturing hub will introduce cutting edge automated machinery to better support the complex range of radar testing ...
IARPA, the Intelligence Advanced Research Projects Activity, has awarded Raytheon BBN Technologies a $14.5 million contract to develop a system capable of enhancing the accuracy of geopolitical predictions, from snap elections to sudden conflicts and disease outbreaks. While human analysts are flexible and able to apply context to their event forecasting ...