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The UK has released a statement in line with the EU position on the space debate following the UN General Assembly. The British government has released a statement confirming its position on the space debate and addressing the importance of the space sector. The statement asks the UN to keep up ...

The UK confirmed its commitment to disarmament in a speech to the UN General Assembly on the future of nuclear weapons. Permanent Representative to the Conference on Disarmament Aidan Liddle spoke to the UN General Assembly confirming the UK’s commitment to a world free of nuclear weapons. He focussed on the ...

Defence Secretary Penny Mordaunt attended a NATO Defence Ministerial to speak about the UK’s contribution to NATO goals. In her address to NATO’s Defence Ministerial Penny Mordaunt spoke about the UK’s involvement in missions and an overall commitment to European security. She spoke about Russia’s non-compliance with the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces ...

Celestial bodies and laws centred around the moon will come under scrutiny when lawyers from across the globe come together to draw up rules of engagement for space warfare. Exeter Law school will host a unique conference where lawyers will set out legal parameters for military uses of outer space; providing ...


In an increasingly dynamic and unpredictable world, the need for mission readiness in defence is paramount.

December 6, 2024

At the ready: the power of effective Integrated Product Support in defence

In an increasingly dynamic and unpredictable world, the need for mission readiness in defence is paramount. The blurring of lines

Three UK based SMEs have been awarded funding through the latest rounds of the Defence Technology Exploitation Programme (DTEP)

October 23, 2024

Homeland - DTEP funding announced for three more UK SMEs

Three UK based SMEs have been awarded funding through the latest rounds of the Defence Technology Exploitation Programme (DTEP).  High Temperature