Official DPRTE 2021 event partner, the Defence Science and Technology Laboratory (Dstl) is exploring the potential for cutting-edge autonomous robotic solutions to detect life threatening chemical, biological and radiological (CBR) hazards. The current wide area capability is based on specially adapted armoured Fuchs vehicles. For a number of years Dstl – the science ...
Sea mine disposal could be transformed using an innovative technique that is being researched by official DPRTE partner, Dstl (Defence Science and Technology Laboratory). The concept has received funding worth £440,000 from the Defence Innovation Unit to develop a working prototype and aims to provide a valuable capability for the Royal ...
The Defence Science Technology Laboratory (Dstl) has been awarded £3.5 million to develop innovative new missile systems. Known as the Co-operative Strike Weapons Technology Demonstrator (CSWTD), the Dstl-led project will explore how inter-missile communication can enable the weapons systems to work together and also improve the performance of current systems. The project ...
Official DPRTE 2021 event partner, the Defence Science and Technology Laboratory (Dstl), celebrates its 20th anniversary on 2 July 2021 as the science inside UK defence and security. The last two decades have seen some incredible accomplishments and discoveries and placed Dstl at the heart of the most critical incidents facing the UK. ...