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The Queen has delivered her speech to Parliament outlining the Conservative government’s programme following the results of last week’s General Election. For the defence industry, there was confirmation from the Queen that the Government will continue to honour the NATO commitment to spend a minimum of 2% of GDP on defence. The ...

Now the dust has settled following the General Election, Defence Online looks at the potential impact on defence spending following the Conservative Party’s return to power. Prime Minister Boris Johnson and the Conservative Party’s  victory last week, buoyed by the largest Tory majority since 1987, is likely to result in a ...

The Prime Minister Boris Johnson has reaffirmed Britain’s commitment to NATO, describing it as ‘rock solid’ at a meeting of the leaders of the military alliances’ 70th anniversary in London. The Prime Minister and the other leaders, including US President Trump, met for talks designed to strengthen the alliance and to ...

The Prime Minister Boris Johnson has met with military leaders at Downing Street and visited an army training ground to thank troops for their service. The Prime Minister hosted the Chief of Defence Staff, the Heads of the Army, Royal Navy and Royal Air Force, the Vice Chief of Defence Staff, ...



British Army personnel have demonstrated a first live firing of a next-generation howitzer

December 10, 2024

Land - British Army completes first live firing of next-generation howitzer in Finland

British Army personnel have demonstrated a first live firing of a next-generation howitzer amidst freezing conditions in one of the

Immersive technology like Extended Reality (XR) is increasingly becoming an essential part of the Defence industry, from immersive training for infantry, naval and armored specialists.

November 7, 2024

Homeland - UK to support NATO space launch capabilities and artillery supplies

Defence Secretary agrees to range of initiatives from boosting ease of access to space and virtual training to developing cutting-edge