The UK will invest £1.4 billion to bolster our national interests in space, as part of the newly-published first Defence Space Strategy. Following publication of the National Space Strategy in September last year, the Defence Space Strategy (DSS) outlines how Defence will protect the UK’s national interests in space in an era of ever-growing threats, ...
Alexandra Stickings, Research Analyst, Space Policy and Security at RUSI, examines the challenges of integrating space technology into the defence realm. Given some of the reactions to President Trump’s announcement of his plans to create a Space Force, and indeed also to the UK’s planned Defence Space Strategy, it is possible for some to underestimate, or ...
An increasing number of military systems are now dependent on space technology, with communications, imagery, precision targeting and friendly force tracking all reliant on satellites and space-based services. The same is true for many aspects of modern living, with space technology enabling a diverse range of civilian activities from agriculture to GPS navigation, banking and transportation. This growing reliance saw Defence Secretary Gavin Williamson announce the launch of the UK’s first Defence Space Strategy and hand over command ...
Defence Secretary Gavin Williamson has announced the launch of the UK’s first Defence Space Strategy and pledged an uplift in expertise to ensure the UK remains at the forefront of the space domain. With an increasing amount of the UK’s military systems now dependent on space technology, it has been confirmed that ...