Officially Supported By: Defence Contracts International Supply2Defence

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Nominet has been named as a supplier on Crown Commercial Service’s (CCS) PSN Core Services framework to deliver PSN DNS Services (Lot 1). Nominet will provide a recursive service that is required to handle 15,000 queries per second, as well as both PSN and internet facing authoritative services that are required ...

DPRTE 2019 – the UK’s premier defence procurement event – is taking place at Farnborough International Exhibition & Conference Centre on 28th March 2019. The event gives the defence supply chain a unique opportunity to connect directly with prime contractors in its dedicated Supply Chain Engagement Zone. As outlined within the ...

RAF Marham, the home of the UK’s F-35 multi role combat jets, is set to become the first military airbase to be powered by green electricity. Defence Minister Tobias Ellwood made the announcement during a visit to a Norfolk biogas plant, where he officially opened the new site that will provide ...

The Crown Commercial Service, on behalf of the government, is making it easier to apply for supplier status with the release of a new bidder pack. Following a survey by techUK last year, which found that 64% of SMEs found the red tape to procurement as the main barrier to selling ...


May 1, 2020

Land - Suppliers chosen for new defence training agreement

Crown Commercial Service (CCS) has awarded a new commercial agreement to support facilities management for the UK’s Defence Training estate. The

April 15, 2019

Homeland - DIO awards contract for housing and facilities management

DIO’s Future Defence Infrastructure Services (FDIS) has awarded a contract for housing and facilities management to Crown Commercial Service (CCS). The