Ongoing geopolitical instability has brought many demand-side pressures for defence industry manufacturers, requiring greater focus on supply chain resilience. Working collaboratively not only helps to mitigate supply chain risks, it also creates a stronger national deterrent says Jill Hewitt Director and defence sector specialist at management consultancy, Vendigital. Jill Hewitt The Covid-19 ...
The 1851 Trust, in partnership with the British Women’s and Youth Americas Cup team’s major partner UK engineering and technology companies Cobham and Ultra Electronics (“Ultra”), has launched a STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Maths) roadshow initiative. Through its programme STEMCrew, the 1851 Trust uses athletes and professional sports to inspire ...
Mace, the global programme and project delivery consultant and construction expert, is demonstrating its commitment to the Armed Forces and ex-military by resigning the Armed Forces Covenant. As a Gold signatory of the Armed Forces Covenant, Mace actively recruits people choosing to transition from the military to civilian life. The pledge ...
As a nation, we have always celebrated our Armed Forces, and rarely more so than during Armed Forces Week. It’s an opportunity for us to express our gratitude to those who serve and have served to keep us safe, says Mark Baker, Chief Operating Officer, Sodexo Defence and former senior ...