This Defence and Security Accelerator (Accelerator) competition seeks to develop and demonstrate the use of autonomous systems to deliver mission-critical supplies, focusing on the challenging ‘last mile’ resupply in the land environment. The ‘last mile resupply’ involves the delivery of combat supplies from the forward-most location (such as a physical base or a ...
This Accelerator themed competition is looking for novel proposals that use autonomous systems to deliver mission critical supplies to users in the military front-line. For for this competition we’re focussing on the challenging ‘last mile’ of resupply. The aim of an autonomous last mile resupply system is to: reduce the demand on existing platforms ...
NATO’s tech and cyber arm, the NATO Communications and Information Agency (NCI), has announced a major tech refresh, with some 40 contracts due to go out to tender in the next 18 to 24 months. As part of a €3M programme to update NATO’s cyber operations, the business opportunities will be ...
An opportunity to book a meeting with Defence and Security Accelerator (Accelerator) in Harwell to discuss your research idea. Book an Accelerator meeting at Harwell on 4 April 2017. These 30-minute face-to-face meetings give you the opportunity to discuss your innovative research idea with Accelerator staff in private. The Accelerator funds innovative proof-of-concept research ...