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Type of document: Contract Notice Country: United Kingdom 1. Title: Supply Chain Notice: WC1175095 – CY- DHK – REMEDIAL WORKS REQUIRED TO ALL SFA’S LOCATED WITHIN MINDEN, BLENHEIM, LUMLEY AND MERCER 2. Awarding Authority: Ministry of Defence Mitie – Defence International T2 Trinity Park Bickenhall Lane Birmingham England B37 7ES Contact: Mitie – Defence International Email: Phone: URL: 3. ...

“NATO needs to continue to adapt to the world of AI, because as the tech evolves, the threat evolves”, the Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster told the NATO Cyber Defence Conference. To help the UK stay ahead in the “new AI arms race” the Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster ...

Type of document: Contract Notice Country: United Kingdom 1. Title: WC1383775- AK – CIDP – CIDP24- AETHER PHASE 3 URD-Inner citadel security for Airfield Ops, PSD, Cape Gata & EESA (WORKS-Phase3A) – CYPRUS 2. Awarding Authority: Ministry of Defence Mitie – Defence International T2 Trinity Park Bickenhall Lane Birmingham England B37 7ES Contact: MITIE – Defence International Email: Phone: URL: 3. ...

Type of document: Contract Notice Country: United Kingdom Publication Ref: (2024/S 000-039822/EN) Nature of contract: Supply contract Procedure: Restricted procedure Type of bid required: Global bid Contract notice Supplies Section I: Contracting authority I.1) Name and addresses Official name: Ministry of Defence Town: Bristol Country: United Kingdom Email: Internet address(es): Main address: I.3) Communication The procurement documents are available for unrestricted and full direct access, ...

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December 25, 2024

Provision of CNA (Cyanoacrylate / Superglue) fingerprint fuming chambers

Type of document: Contract Notice Country: United Kingdom 1. Title: Provision of CNA (Cyanoacrylate / Superglue) fingerprint fuming chambers 2. Awarding Authority: Ministry of

December 25, 2024

Nuclear Deterrence Fund

Type of document: Contract Notice Country: United Kingdom 1. Title: Nuclear Deterrence Fund 2. Awarding Authority: Ministry of Defence MoD Abbey Wood Bristol England BS34 8JH Contact: Email: Phone: URL: 3. Contract