The first Regional Office of NATO’s Defence Innovation Accelerator for the North Atlantic (DIANA) was opened in London in March. Located at the Imperial College London Innovation Hub (I-HUB) in the White City Innovation District, the regional office was opened by the UK Minister for Defence Procurement, Alex Chalk KC and ...
The British Army’s Experimentation and Trials Group (ETG) have been testing improving future urban operations using a new experimental force concept. The study called Urban Phalanx, involves a number of concepts for achieving small unit dominance in future urban combat for dismounted light forces. The specific focus was on ways to ...
Defence Equipment & Support (DE&S) has procured a new multi-role weapon system to equip the British Army on operations. A £4.6M order has been placed with Saab for a delivery of Carl-Gustaf M4s, plus a package of ammunition and training. They will replace the Anti-Structure Munitions the UK sent to support Ukraine ...
The biggest DPRTE event to date saw the defence industry come together last week at Farnborough International. The event was attended by over 19,00 people – a record for DPRTE 23 – and provided a unique opportunity to showcase goods and services as well as the chance to engage directly with ...