Team Crucible, a team of five partners, has announced its intention to bid for the Army Collective Training System (ACTS) opportunity. The team, comprising Babcock International Group (Babcock), Jacobs, Accenture, CAE and McKinsey & Company, want to develop training that will allow British soldiers to be fully prepared to protect, fight, ...
An announcement at DSEI confirmed a new partnership between Babcock International Group (Babcock) and Palantir Technologies UK, which will see its digital defence capabilities strengthened through an Enterprise Agreement (EA). The partnership will provide Babcock with a data platform aimed at transforming, capturing, integrating, modelling and building data-driven solutions. Unlocking the ...
The MOD has awarded BAE Systems a contract to develop its Striker II Helmet Mounted Display (HMD) for the Royal Air Force (RAF) Typhoon fleet. Developed at BAE Systems in Rochester, Kent, Striker II is one of the world’s most advanced fighter helmets which uses the latest technologies to integrate its ...
QinetiQ and the University of Lincoln have signed an MOU which will see the establishment of a partnership to develop a national Centre for Defence and Security Artificial Intelligence in Lincoln. The centre will serve as a hub of best practice, research and development and training for artificial intelligence (AI) applications ...