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Type of document:
Country: Estonia
OJEU Ref: (2025/S 57-00183764/EN)
Nature of contract:

00183764-2025 – Competition
Estonia – 34221000 – Pommikonteineri ostmine
1. Buyer
1.1. Buyer
Official name: Päästeamet
Legal type of the buyer: Central government authority
Activity of the contracting authority: Public order and safety
2. Procedure
2. Procedure
2.1. Procedure
Title: Pommikonteineri ostmine
Description: Riigihanke objektiks on riigihanke alusdokumentides sätestatud tingimustel ja korras:
– 1 (ühe) RSD lisas 1 toodud tehnilisele kirjeldusele vastava haagisel pommikonteineri (edaspidi kaup) ostmine ning selle tarnimine hankija asukohta Tallinnasse, Eestisse;
– hankija teenistujatele kasutajakoolituse läbiviimine;
– kauba garantiiaegsete korraliste hoolduste teotamine (juhul kui on ettenähtud);
– garantiiajal kauba erakorraliste remonttööde teostamine koos erakorraliste remonttööde teostamiseks varuosade ostmisega;
– garantiitingimuste täitmine.
Procedure identifier: 610f3450-b3b1-42c1-b519-bcb72425c1f1
Internal identifier: 289762
Type of procedure: Open
The procedure is accelerated:
2.1.1. Purpose
Main nature of the contract: supplies
Main classification (cpv): 34221000 Special-purpose mobile containers.
Additional classification (cpv):
50110000 Repair and maintenance services of motor vehicles and associated equipment.
2.1.3 Value
2.1.4. General information
Additional information: Osadeks mittejagamise põhjendus on toodud riigihanke selgitava dokumendi punktis 2.3.

Hankija on avaliku teabe seaduse (AvTS) § 35 lõige 1 punkt 10 alusel tunnistanud asutusesiseseks kasutamiseks mõeldud teabeks riigihanke tehnilise kirjelduse ja tehnilise vastavuse vormi (vorm 1). Dokumentide saamiseks vaata riigihanke selgitava dokumendi punkti 2.6.

Hankija ostab 1 (ühe) pommikonteineri ja tellib töid maksimaalselt 105 000 euro eest.
Legal basis: 32014L0024
2.1.6. Grounds for exclusion:
Purely national exclusion grounds:
5. Lot
5.1. Lot: LOT-0000
Title: Pommikonteineri ostmine
Description: Riigihanke objektiks on riigihanke alusdokumentides sätestatud tingimustel ja korras:
– 1 (ühe) RSD lisas 1 toodud tehnilisele kirjeldusele vastava haagisel pommikonteineri (edaspidi kaup) ostmine ning selle tarnimine hankija asukohta Tallinnasse, Eestisse;
– hankija teenistujatele kasutajakoolituse läbiviimine;
– kauba garantiiaegsete korraliste hoolduste teotamine (juhul kui on ettenähtud);
– garantiiajal kauba erakorraliste remonttööde teostamine koos erakorraliste remonttööde teostamiseks varuosade ostmisega;
– garantiitingimuste täitmine.
5.1.1. Purpose
Main nature of the contract: supplies
Main classification (cpv): 34221000 Special-purpose mobile containers.
Additional classification (cpv): 50110000 Repair and maintenance services of motor vehicles and associated equipment.
5.1.2. Place of performance
Postal address:
Country subdivision (NUTS): EE001
Country: Estonia
5.1.3. Estimated duration
Duration: 30 MONTH
5.1.6. General information
Reserved participation: Participation is not reserved.
Procurement Project not financed with EU Funds.
The procurement is covered by the Government Procurement Agreement (GPA)
5.1.7. Strategic procurement
5.1.8. Accessibility criteria
Accessibility criteria for persons with disabilities are not included because the procurement is not intended for use by natural persons
5.1.9. Selection criteria
Type: Suitability to pursue the professional activity
User of this criterion: n-used
Type: Economic and financial standing
User of this criterion: n-used
Type: Technical and professional ability
User of this criterion: n-used
5.1.10. Award criteria
Type: quality
Weight (points, exact): 25.0
Type: quality
Weight (points, exact): 45.0
Type: price
Weight (points, exact): 15.0
Type: cost
Weight (points, exact): 5.0
Type: quality
Weight (points, exact): 10.0
5.1.11. Procurement documents
Address of the procurement documents:
5.1.12. Terms of procurement
Terms of the procedure:
Terms of submission:
Electronic submission: Required
Address for submission:
Languages in which tenders or requests to participate may be submitted: EST
Electronic catalogue: Not allowed
Deadline for receipt of tenders: 31/03/2025 12:00:00.000
Information about public opening:
Opening date: 31/03/2025 13:00:00.000
Terms of contract:
Electronic invoicing: Required
Electronic ordering will be used: false
Electronic payment will be used: true
5.1.15. Techniques
Framework agreement: Framework agreement, without reopening of competition
Information about the dynamic purchasing system: none
5.1.16. Further information, mediation and review
Review organisation: Riigihangete vaidlustuskomisjon
Organisation receiving requests to participate: Päästeamet
Organisation providing additional information about the procurement procedure: Päästeamet
8. Organisations
8.1. ORG-0001
Official Name: Päästeamet
Postal address: Raua tn 2
Town: Tallinn
Postcode: 10124
Country: Estonia
Tel: +372 53079696
8.1. ORG-0002
Official Name: Riigihangete vaidlustuskomisjon
Postal address: Tartu mnt 85
Town: Tallinn
Postcode: 10115
Country: Estonia
Tel: +3726113713
8.1. ORG-0003
Official Name: Riigihangete register
Town: Tallinn
Country: Estonia
Tel: +3726113693
11. Notice information
11.1. Notice information
Notice identifier/version: f6eee2d6-a99b-4aad-a007-47e6c67e86c9 – 01
Notice type: Contract or concession notice – standard regime
Notice dispatch date: 20/03/2025 08:46:41.458
Languages in which this notice is officially available: EST
11.2. Publication information
Notice publication number: 00183764-2025
OJ S issue number: 57/2025
Publication date: //


March 27, 2025

Electronic Security Systems

Type of document: Contract Notice Country: United Kingdom 1. Title: ELECTRONIC SECURITY SYSTEMS 2. Awarding Authority: London Borough of Bromley, Bromley Civic Centre,

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