Officially Supported By: Defence Contracts International Supply2Defence

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Type of document: Contract Notice
Country: United Kingdom

2. Awarding Authority: Ministry of Defence, The Future Defence Support Services (FDSS) team, GB Email:
3. Contract type: Service contract
4. Description: The Awarding Authority part of Defence Support Major Programme, has a contract placed with Deloitte LLP, with a current value of £1,152,000.00 ex VAT, to deliver a series of reports detailing researched evidence for mandatory Scrutiny and Assurance submissions; Cognitive Control Tower implementation and management costs; Supply Chain, Category & Spend and Market Analysis; Procurement Strategy and collation of the User Requirement. The Contract was awarded to Deloitte LLP on the 02/04/2024, with an anticipated end date of 31/03/2025.
In accordance with Regulation 72(1)(b) of the PCR 2015, the Authority intend to place a Contractual Amendment, to uplift the Contract value, up to 50% of the original Contract value. This will increase the value of the Contract by £510,000.00 ex-VAT, resulting in a new Contract value of £1,662,000.00 ex-VAT. Due to the continued constraints on recruitment, work force substitute and external assistance spend – the authority has sought additional required support from an existing contractual agreement to ensure a comprehensive FDSS Approval can be met. By increasing the Contract value, will allow the Authority to maintain the intended critical project delivery schedule and deliver further key output based deliverables within the original scope. The additional deliverables will aid and support critical decision points within the programme, such as internal approvals. The Contract Amendment will be carried out utilising the Variation Form under the MCF3 Terms and Conditions.
5. CPV Code(s): 79411100
6. NUTS code(s): UKK, UKK1, UKK11
7. Main site or location of works, main place of delivery or main place of performance: South West (England), Gloucestershire, Wiltshire And Bristol/Bath Area, Bristol, City Of.
8. Reference attributed by awarding authority: 709609450
2024/S 000-026325
9. Estimated value of requirement: Current value of £1,152,000.00 ex VAT
10. Listing Deadline: 26.8.2024 (15:00:00).
11. Address to which they must be sent: You must register or log in at Web: to participate in this tender
12. Other information: Notes
Default Additional Notes
Procurement Route
FTS Framework Further Competition
Please visit the website above for documentation


January 15, 2025

Royal Navy Industry Engagement Workshop: A Strategic Vision for a Novel Nuclear Navy - Early Engagement

Type of document: Contract Notice Country: United Kingdom 1. Title: Royal Navy Industry Engagement Workshop: A Strategic Vision for a Novel Nuclear

January 14, 2025

Royal Navy Industry Engagement Workshop: A Strategic Vision for a Novel Nuclear Navy - Early Engagement

Type of document: Contract Notice Country: United Kingdom 1. Title: Royal Navy Industry Engagement Workshop: A Strategic Vision for a Novel Nuclear