The IDVS is the first hands-free helmet-mounted display system that fuses incoming data from various sources, such as a command centre, other warfighters or UAS, with multispectral vision. The system does this while automatically transitioning from dark to light environments in real time, allowing users to have a complete view of everything that is happening around them.
A portion of the manufacturing will be completed at Rockwell Collins’ state-of-the-art precision optics facility in Sydney, Australia. The IDVS is designed with an open architecture to provide an easy upgrade path for future technologies that enhance situational awareness.
LeAnn Ridgeway, Vice President and General Manager, Simulation and Training Solutions for Rockwell Collins, said: “In battle, warfighters are most effective and safe when they can stay focused on their surroundings at all times. Our IDVS is a 24-hour system, leveraging proven technology to give users a view of their surroundings and the right information for them to stay safe and complete their mission.”
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Adelaide Australia Digital Vision System helmet IDVS International LeAnn Ridgeway Rockwell Collins Simulation and Training Solutions Sydney Vice President and General Manager warfighters