MASS will continue to provide the MOD with training and exercise support in service of the Joint Forces Command (JFC). The contract extension, which commences in April 2018, is valued at £10M.
The move means that MASS will continue its delivery of comprehensive exercise scenario scripting, in addition to the design, installation and delivery of detailed exercise planning and management communications systems.
Through the Joint Warfare Support Team (JWST) at JFC, MASS will also to provide a highly advanced Contingent Capability Reporting and Standards system with exercise mentoring and reporting capabilities, as well as a Defence Exercise Planning tool.
According to the Joint Warfare Exercise and Planning Team: “The MASS-led Joint Warfare Support Team (JWST) provides critical support to Joint Warfare assisting with the delivery of Tier 3 (Combined Joint Task Force) level exercises in order to help prepare Joint Task Force Headquarters for contingency operations. We are delighted that the contract to do so has been secured for a further two years until Apr 2020, at which point the follow-on contract Joint Command and Staff Training (JCAST) is due to be in place.
“Whilst the main deliverable of JWST is support to Combined Joint Task Force, computer assisted, dynamically scripted, command post exercises for defence, it also plays an important role in support to the management of the Defence Exercise Programme (DXP), and with Contingent Capability Reporting and Standards (CCRS) and the capture of Defence Lessons.
“JWST, significantly, has enabled the delivery of Defence’s highest priority Tier 3 annual exercise, Exercise JOINT VENTURE – a key vehicle to train and assure the Standing Joint Force Headquarters (SJFHQ). The SJFHQ being the UK’s highest readiness 2* HQ and the framework headquarters for the Joint Expeditionary Force (JEF) and the UK headquarters contributing to the Combined Joint Expeditionary Force (CJEF), and due to reach Full Operating Capability (FOC) in March 2018.
“JWST are integral members of the Joint Warfare team, and its extension supports the delivery of world-class operational training for a further two years, providing valuable continuity during the 18-month planning cycle of major exercises.”
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Joint Forces Command Joint Warfare Support MASS Ministry of Defence