Type of document:
Country: Serbia
OJEU Ref: (2025/S 17-00052139/EN)
Nature of contract:
00052139-2025 – Competition
Serbia – 45000000 – Execution of works on the Rehabilitation, Adaptation and Reconstruction of the Clinic for Gynecology and Obstetrics of the Clinical Center of Serbia
1. Buyer
1.1. Buyer
Official name: Vlada Republike Srbije, Ministry for Public Investment
Legal type of the buyer: Body governed by public law
Activity of the contracting authority: General public services
2. Procedure
2. Procedure
2.1. Procedure
Title: Execution of works on the Rehabilitation, Adaptation and Reconstruction of the Clinic for Gynecology and Obstetrics of the Clinical Center of Serbia
Description: The Clinic for Gynecology and Obstetrics is located within the Clinical Center of Serbia at 26 Dr. Koste Todorovića St. in Belgrade, K.P.1482 / 1, K.O. Savski Venac. The building, from B + GF + 1 to 3B + GF + 5, is constructed in the shape of a cascade to adjust to the natural configuration of the terrain.
Based on the expressed needs of the Clinic for Gynecology and Obstetrics and through the conclusions of the coordination body established by the Government of the Republic of Serbia, and in order to achieve a more modern level of patient health care and staff working conditions, the Design Brief provides for the following interventions:
• Adaptation of the operating room department on the 2nd floor
• Rehabilitation, adaptation, and reconstruction of the gynecology polyclinic on the ground floor and on the 1st floor with the construction of a part on the flat roof and reconstruction of the perinatology polyclinic on the ground floor
• Adaptation of the maternity hospital on the 3rd floor and part of the space in the attic
• Rehabilitation and adaptation of puerperium 1 and 2 and caesarean section department with neonatology department on the 3rd and 4th floors
• Rehabilitation and adaptation of the Department of Surgery 1 and 2 and the Department of
General Gynecology on the 1st and 2nd floor
• Rehabilitation and adaptation of the Department of Pregnancy Pathology and Fertility Control on the ground floor and basement -1
• Adaptation of the high-risk pregnancy department in the basement -1
• Adaptation of the human reproduction department on the ground floor
• Rehabilitation and adaptation of staff locker rooms, laundry, driveways, and parts of the distribution kitchen in the basement -1
• Rehabilitation and adaptation of patients’ rooms, ambulance, and auxiliary rooms in the basement -2
• Rehabilitation and adaptation of skylights, glass partitions with doors and railings in the central staircase
• Rehabilitation of floors in the corridors of the connecting tract of the clinic with vertical communications
• Adaptation of the Department of Patho-histology and Biochemical Laboratory on the 4th floor
• Rehabilitation and adaptation of the former boiler room converted into an amphitheater in the basement -2
• Rehabilitation of the premises for the needs of the archives in the basement -3
• Rehabilitation and adaptation of the administration of the clinic and the library with accompanying premises
• Rehabilitation and adaptation of the parking lot behind the clinic.
Procedure identifier: 1291d191-e838-44b2-ba91-c05f1cfb0500
Internal identifier: OP/80-2024/UHI-A1
Type of procedure: Open
The procedure is accelerated: false
2.1.1. Purpose
Main nature of the contract: works
Main classification (cpv): 45000000 Construction work.
2.1.2 Place of performance
Town: Beograd
Postcode: 11000
Country: Serbia
2.1.3 Value
Estimated value excluding VAT: 4593000000 RSD
2.1.4. General information
Additional information: It is planned that funds for the implementation of the procurement in question will be provided from the Framework Agreement on the loan LD 1981 ADD 1 (2022) between the Council of Europe Development Bank and the Republic of Serbia for a project loan for the financing of the public health sector.
Legal basis: other
2.1.6. Grounds for exclusion:
5. Lot
5.1. Lot: LOT-0001
Title: Execution of works on the Rehabilitation, Adaptation and Reconstruction of the Clinic for Gynecology and Obstetrics of the Clinical Center of Serbia
Description: The Clinic for Gynecology and Obstetrics is located within the Clinical Center of Serbia at 26 Dr. Koste Todorovića St. in Belgrade, K.P.1482 / 1, K.O. Savski Venac. The building, from B + GF + 1 to 3B + GF + 5, is constructed in the shape of a cascade to adjust to the natural configuration of the terrain.
Based on the expressed needs of the Clinic for Gynecology and Obstetrics and through the conclusions of the coordination body established by the Government of the Republic of Serbia, and in order to achieve a more modern level of patient health care and staff working conditions, the Design Brief provides for the following interventions:
• Adaptation of the operating room department on the 2nd floor
• Rehabilitation, adaptation, and reconstruction of the gynecology polyclinic on the ground floor and on the 1st floor with the construction of a part on the flat roof and reconstruction of the perinatology polyclinic on the ground floor
• Adaptation of the maternity hospital on the 3rd floor and part of the space in the attic
• Rehabilitation and adaptation of puerperium 1 and 2 and caesarean section department with neonatology department on the 3rd and 4th floors
• Rehabilitation and adaptation of the Department of Surgery 1 and 2 and the Department of
General Gynecology on the 1st and 2nd floor
• Rehabilitation and adaptation of the Department of Pregnancy Pathology and Fertility Control on the ground floor and basement -1
• Adaptation of the high-risk pregnancy department in the basement -1
• Adaptation of the human reproduction department on the ground floor
• Rehabilitation and adaptation of staff locker rooms, laundry, driveways, and parts of the distribution kitchen in the basement -1
• Rehabilitation and adaptation of patients’ rooms, ambulance, and auxiliary rooms in the basement -2
• Rehabilitation and adaptation of skylights, glass partitions with doors and railings in the central staircase
• Rehabilitation of floors in the corridors of the connecting tract of the clinic with vertical communications
• Adaptation of the Department of Patho-histology and Biochemical Laboratory on the 4th floor
• Rehabilitation and adaptation of the former boiler room converted into an amphitheater in the basement -2
• Rehabilitation of the premises for the needs of the archives in the basement -3
• Rehabilitation and adaptation of the administration of the clinic and the library with accompanying premises
• Rehabilitation and adaptation of the parking lot behind the clinic.
5.1.1. Purpose
Main nature of the contract: works
Main classification (cpv): 45000000 Construction work.
5.1.2. Place of performance
Postal address:
Country subdivision (NUTS): RS110
Country: Serbia
5.1.3. Estimated duration
5.1.6. General information
Reserved participation: Participation is not reserved.
Procurement Project not financed with EU Funds.
The procurement is not covered by the Government Procurement Agreement (GPA).
5.1.10. Award criteria
Type: price
5.1.11. Procurement documents
Address of the procurement documents:
5.1.12. Terms of procurement
Terms of the procedure:
Terms of submission:
Electronic submission: Allowed
Address for submission:
Languages in which tenders or requests to participate may be submitted: SRP
Electronic catalogue: Not allowed
Deadline for receipt of tenders: 25/03/2025 12:00:00
Information about public opening:
Opening date: 25/03/2025 13:00:00
Terms of contract:
Electronic invoicing: Not allowed
Electronic ordering will be used: false
Electronic payment will be used: false
Information about review deadlines: The request for protection of rights may be submitted during the entire public procurement procedure, unless otherwise specified by the LPP, and no later than within ten days from the day of publishing the decision of the Contracting Authority on completion of the public procurement procedure in accordance with the LPP on the Public Procurement Portal. The request for protection of rights which disputes the actions of the Contracting Authority in connection with determining the type of procedure, content of the public invitation and tender documentation shall be considered timely if received by the Contracting Authority no later than three days before the deadline for submission of bids or applications regardless of the method of delivery. The request for protection of rights challenging the actions of the Contracting Authority undertaken after the deadline for submission of bids shall be submitted within ten days from the date of publication of the decision of the Contracting Authority on the Public Procurement Portal, i.e., from the date of receipt of the decision in cases where publication on the Public Procurement Portal is not foreseen. After the expiration of the deadline for submitting the request for protection of rights, the applicant may not supplement the request by stating the reasons related to the actions that are the subject of contesting in the submitted request or disputing other actions of the Contracting Authority with which it was or could have been acquainted before the expiration of the deadline for submitting the request for protection of rights, and which it did not state in the submitted request.
The request for protection of rights may not challenge the actions of the Contracting Authority undertaken in the public procurement procedure if the applicant was or could have been aware of the reasons for its submission before the deadline for submission of the request, and the applicant did not submit it before the deadline. If, in the same public procurement procedure, a request for protection of rights was re-submitted by the same applicant, the request may not challenge the actions of the Contracting Authority that the applicant was or could have been aware of when submitting the previous request. The subject of dispute in the procedure of protection of rights may not be possible deficiencies or irregularities of the procurement documentation that were not indicated in accordance with article 97 of the LPP. The Contracting Authority shall publish the notification on the submitted request for protection of rights on the Public Procurement Portal no later than the next day from the day of receipt of the request for protection of rights. Submission of the request for protection of rights shall suspend the continuation of the public procurement procedure by the Contracting Authority until the end of the protection of rights procedure. The request for protection of rights must contain the data from Article 217 LPP.
If the applicant undertakes actions in the procedure through its authorized representative, it shall submit the authorization for representation in the procedure of protection of rights along with the request for protection of rights. The applicant who has a residence or temporary residence, i.e., headquarters abroad is obliged to appoint its authorized representative for the receipt of documents in the Republic of Serbia in the request for protection of rights, stating all the data necessary for communication with the designated entity.
When submitting the request for protection of rights to the Contracting Authority, the applicant is obliged to submit proof of payment of the fee.
The proof is any document from which it can be determined that the transaction was made for the appropriate amount from Article 225 LPP and that it refers to the request for protection of rights in question.
Valid proof of payment of the fee, in accordance with the Instructions on payment of the fee for submitting a request for protection of the rights of the Republic Commission is posted on the website of the Republic Commission.
Fee amount:
I. If the request for protection of rights is submitted in accordance with Article 214, para. 2 and 4 and Article 215 of the PPL:
– The fee is 120,000 dinars, regardless of the amount of the estimated value of the procurement.
II. If the request for protection of rights is submitted in accordance with Article 214, paragraph 3 of the LPP:
– The fee is 0.1% of the estimated value of the procurement and a maximum of 1,200,000 dinars, if the estimated value procurement of more than 120,000,000 dinars.
– The fee is 120,000 dinars if the sum of the estimated values of all disputed parties does not exceed 120,000,000
dinars (if the public procurement is formed by lots).
– The fee is 0.1% of the sum of the estimated values of all disputed parties, and a maximum of 1,200,000 dinars, if any value greater than 120,000,000 dinars (if the public procurement is formed by lots).
The Request for the protection of rights is submitted electronically through the Public Procurement Portal simultaneously to the Contracting Authority and the Republic Commission, whereby the day of submission through the Public Procurement Portal is considered the day of receipt.
5.1.15. Techniques
Framework agreement: No framework agreement
Information about the dynamic purchasing system: none
5.1.16. Further information, mediation and review
Review organisation: Republic Commission for the Protection of Rights in Public Procurement Procedures
Organisation providing offline access to the procurement documents: Vlada Republike Srbije, Ministry for Public Investment
Organisation receiving requests to participate: Vlada Republike Srbije, Ministry for Public Investment
Organisation processing tenders: Vlada Republike Srbije, Ministry for Public Investment
Organisation providing additional information about the procurement procedure: Vlada Republike Srbije, Ministry for Public Investment
8. Organisations
8.1. ORG-0001
Official Name: Vlada Republike Srbije, Ministry for Public Investment
Postal address: Nemanjina
Town: Beograd
Postcode: 11000
Country: Serbia
Contact: Dragana Nenadić
Email: dragana.nenadic@obnova.gov.rs
Tel: +381 641506152
8.1. ORG-0002
Official Name: Republic Commission for the Protection of Rights in Public Procurement Procedures
Postal address: Nemanjina Street
Town: Belgrade
Postcode: 11000
Country: Serbia
Email: republicka.komisija@kjn.gov.rs
8.1. ORG-0003
Official Name: Dispute Adjudication Board
Postal address: Resavska
Town: Beograd
Postcode: 11000
Country: Serbia
Email: bis@pks.rs
8.1. ORG-0000
Official Name: Publications Office of the European Union
Town: Luxembourg
Postcode: 2417
Country: Luxembourg
Email: ted@publications.europa.eu
Tel: +352 29291
11. Notice information
11.1. Notice information
Notice identifier/version: 03b6b021-79d4-4afb-a871-9f70194bc512 – 01
Notice type: Contract or concession notice – standard regime
Notice dispatch date: //
Languages in which this notice is officially available: ENG
11.2. Publication information
Notice publication number: 00052139-2025
OJ S issue number: 17/2025
Publication date: //