A pipeline has been launched for CRM System (FCR).The contract start Date is 13 December 2024. Approach to market date is 13 December 2024.FCR – User Journey, Citizen’s Portal, and Customer Relationship Management SystemsThis opportunity is available via the 7 Force Commercial Tendering Portal. To register, visit locale=ukIf you are already registered on the Portal, you can login here: Once logged in, visit the ‘Find Opportunities’ section and click ‘Register Interest’. Follow the steps to view the documentsThis is a potential opportunity from the government, and the pipeline gives advance notice of an opportunity that might be offered by the public sector in the future – allowing potential suppliers to plan accordingly. When a public sector organisation publishes a pipeline notice, it does not necessarily mean that an opportunity will be offered in the future.For more information contact: Bedfordshire Police, Woburn Road, Kempston MK43 9AX. Email: esther.beaumont@essex.police.uk (Esther Beaumont)