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Babcock International are the latest big name to confirm their presence at Defence Procurement, Research, Technology & Exportability (DPRTE) 2020 taking place on 3 September at Farnborough International Exhibition Centre.

Babcock is a leading provider of critical, complex engineering services which support national defence, save lives and protect communities.

They will appear at the Prime Contractor and Supply Chain Pavilion alongside other leading names from the defence industry such as Lockheed Martin, Airbus, QinetiQ, GE Aviation, Commerce Decisions, Serco and Raytheon.

In 2017/18 the Ministry of Defence managed approximately £20.9 billion of third-party procurement spend. The size and complexity of many projects requires the Department to work closely with key industry partners to ensure delivery of the defence programme, with over half of the annual spend flowing through 19 Strategic Suppliers.

Babcock International: Official DPRTE Partner

The MOD spends approximately £835 million per annum directly with SMEs, but the majority of opportunities lie within the supply chain.

The use of competition is encouraged wherever appropriate both within direct contract opportunities and throughout the supply chain. Opportunities, therefore, exist for suppliers of all sizes, from large established defence contractors through to innovative smaller businesses.

The Supply Chain Engagement Pavilion will bring together many of the key Prime Contractors currently engaged within the delivery of MOD projects, allowing visitors to book appointments for 1-2-1 meetings.  Please note appointments are booked on a first come first served basis and are limited to one appointment per delegate.

Don’t miss out on your chance to meet directly with many of the key Prime Contractors currently engaged within the delivery of MOD projects and gain an insight into potential future sub-contract opportunities.

Defence Online is the official media partner of DPRTE 2020.

Special offer: Delegates can buy 2 or more tickets and get 30% off.

To book your exhibition or sponsorship package please contact the team today on 0845 270 7066 or exhibitions@dprte.co.uk

image © Crown Copyright

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