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DASA has launched a funding stream for open data sharing ideas for defence scenarios.

The funding stream, providing up to £100k through a new open data Innovation Focus Area (IFA) for Defence, was launched on June 4th 2019.
The proliferation of data within the military poses a significant challenge for operators but also presents an opportunity for interpreting differing data sets into meaningful information upon which to make informed and timely decisions.

Entries must:

  • Include a prototype that solves open data problems
  • Work with MOD legacy systems
  • Adhere to security requirements
  • Be cyber resilient and evergreen
  • Deliver as a service as opposed to a system
  • Allow interoperability with open architecture, standards, and open data/document formats
  • Can be accessed by many users simultaneously through a common interface
  • Be available for MOD Accreditation.

Being able to share data with the larger defence community allows it to be analysed and managed much easier. This can better predict the need for equipment and funding.

The funding comes in response to feedback given by those at the DASA ‘Hackathon’. Stakeholders and industry leaders said funding was needed to improve data sharing in Defence.

DASA aims to develop predictive maintenance tools and evidence-based advice for inventory checks to increase the life of tools and components. Interested participants can find out more here.

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competitions Cyber defence cyber security DASA Data MOD research funding

Post written by: Vicky Maggiani

Vicky has worked in media for over 20 years and has a wealth of experience in editing and creating copy for a variety of sectors.


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