Officially Supported By: Defence Contracts International Supply2Defence

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Type of document: Contract Notice
Country: United Kingdom

UK-Bristol: Engineering services.

Section I: Contracting Authority
Title: UK-Bristol: Engineering services.
I.1)Name, Addresses And Contact Point(s)
Ministry of Defence, Agencies/Misc, Other
Larch 1, #2111, MoD, Abbey Wood, Bristol, BS34 8JH, United Kingdom
Tel. +44 3067989833, Email:
Contact: Michael Donnelly
Main Address:

I.2)Type Of Purchasing Body
Not Provided

Section II: Object Of The Contract
II.1.1)Title attributed to the contract by the contracting authority/entity: The Engineering Delivery Partner Agreement
II.1.2)Short description of the contract or purchase:
Engineering services. n/a

II.1.3)Common procurement vocabulary:
71300000 – Engineering services.

Section IV: Procedure
IV.1) Type of Procedure
IV.1.1)Type of procedure (as stated in the original notice):
IV.2)Administrative Information
IV.2.1)File reference number attributed by the contracting authority/entity: EDP/001
IV.2.2)Notice reference for electronically submitted notice
Original Notice sent via: OJS eSender

Notice Reference: 2018 – 228411
IV.2.3)Notice to which this publication refers: Not Provided
IV.2.4)Date of dispatch of the original Notice: 30/10/2018

Section VI: Complementary Information
1: Complementary Information
VI.1)This notice involves: Additional Information

VI.3)Information to be corrected or added
VI.3.1) Modification of original information submitted by the contracting authority
VI.3.2) In the original Notice

VI.3.3)Text to be corrected in the original notice:

Place of text to be modified: II.2.1)Total final value of the contract(s)

Instead of: £250,000,000

Read: £2,500,000,000.

VI.3.4)Dates to be corrected in the original notice: Not Provided

VI.3.5)Addresses and contact points to be corrected:
Not Provided

VI.3.6)Text to be added in the original notice: Not Provided
VI.4)Other additional information:
The Authority reserves the right to amend any condition related to security of information to reflect any changes in national law or government policy. If any contract documents are accompanied by instructions on safeguarding classified information (e.g. a Security Aspects Letter), the Authority reserves the right to amend the terms of these instructions to reflect any changes in national law or government policy, whether in respect of the applicable protective marking scheme, specific protective markings given, the aspects to which any protective marking applies, or otherwise. The link below to the website provides information on the Government Security Classification.

Advertising Regime OJEU:- This contract opportunity is published in the Official Journal of the European Union (OJEU),the MoD Defence Contracts Bulletin and

VI.5)Date of dispatch: 05/11/2018

Post written by: Andrew Perry


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