Officially Supported By: Defence Contracts International Supply2Defence

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Type of document: Contract Notice
Country: United Kingdom

UK-Bristol: Unmanned Aerial Vehicles.

Section I: Contracting Authority
I.1)Name, Addresses and Contact Point(s):
Ministry of Defence, Combat Air, Unmanned Air Systems (UAS) Team
Ministry of Defence, Bristol, BS34 8JH, United Kingdom
Tel. +44 3067989345, Email:
Contact: C Burt
Main Address:

Further information can be obtained at: As Above
Specifications and additional documents: ANNEX A.II

Applications must be sent to: As Above

I.2)Type of the contracting authority and main activity or activities:
Ministry or any other national or federal authority, including their regional or local subdivisions

I.3) Main activity:

I.4) Contract award on behalf of other contracting authorities/entity:
The contracting authority is purchasing on behalf of other contracting authorities: No

Section II: Object Of The Contract: SUPPLIES
II.1.1)Title attributed to the contract by the contracting authority/entity: Provision of Base Situation Awareness Equipment and accompanying Support
II.1.2)Type of contract and location of works, place of delivery or of performance: SUPPLIES

II.1.3)Framework agreements: Not Provided

II.1.5)Short description of the contract or purchase:
Unmanned Aerial Vehicles. The MoD is intending to procure up to 14 Tethered Unmanned Air Systems (UAS).
The requirement is to supply equipment that can provide a persistent 360 degree situational awareness from an elevated position. With a minimum endurance of 12 hours.

Some organic spares/repairs pack/s will also be required, along with the potential requirement to repair any equipment returned by the Authority.

A train the trainer course must be provided to support user/maintainer training.

II.1.6)Common Procurement Vocabulary:
35613000 – Unmanned Aerial Vehicles.

II.1.7)Information about subcontracting:
The tenderer has to indicate in the tender any share of the contract it may intend to subcontract to third parties and any proposed subcontractor, as well as the subject-matter of the subcontracts for which they are proposed.
The tenderer has to indicate any change occurring at the level of subcontractors during the execution of the contract.
II.1.8)Division into lots: No
II.1.9)Variants will be accepted: No

II.2)Quantity Or Scope Of The Contract
II.2.1)Total quantity or scope (including all lots, renewals and options):
Core work packages
The Contractor shall deliver up to 14 systems.
The Contractor shall deliver spares/repairs.
The Contractor shall deliver the technical manual for the systems.
The Contractor shall provide Engineering support for a period of 2 years
The contractor shall provide a Repair and Maintenance Service to the in service equipment for a period of 2 years.
The Contractor shall provide a costed spares catalogue with lead times for all equipment valid for a period of 2 years. to be utilised by the authority on an ad-hoc tasking basis.
The Contractor is to provide a single course that provides both operator and maintenance training, and training manuals to support this.
The Contractor shall nominate a Project Manager as the designated single Point of Contact to answer Authority technical queries relating to the operation and support of the system and management the contract for a period of 2 years..
The Contractor shall provide support to assist the Authority in the provision of the Management of Airworthiness and Air Safety for a period of 2 years.
The Contractor shall provide a Disposal Plan that details how all equipment will be disposed of for the duration of the contract in accordance with appropriate legislation.

The Contractor shall deliver an additional system/s upon request.
The Contractor shall deliver a spares/repairs upon request.
The Contractor shall provide an additional year of Engineering support
The Contractor shall provide an additional year of a Repair and Maintenance Service to the in service equipment.
The Contractor is to provide an additional course/s that provides both operator and maintenance training and associated training manuals to be delivered as requested.
Upon request the contractor shall provide a costed spares catalogue with lead times for all equipment, to be utilised by the authority on an add-hoc tasking basis for future financial years.
The Contractor shall nominate a Project Manager as the designated single Point of Contact to answer Authority technical queries relating to the operation and support of the system and manage the contract for an additional year.
The Contractor shall provide support to assist the Authority in the provision of the Management of Airworthiness and Air Safety for a year.
The Contractor shall provide the ability to integrate customer payloads into the system.
Estimated value excluding VAT: 2,000,000
Currency: GBP

II.2.2)Options: Yes
If yes, description of these options: Options
The Contractor shall deliver an additional system/s upon request.
The Contractor shall deliver a spares/repairs upon request.
The Contractor shall provide an additional year of Engineering support
The Contractor shall provide an additional year of a Repair and Maintenance Service to the in service equipment.
The Contractor is to provide an additional course/s that provides both operator and maintenance training and associated training manuals to be delivered as requested.
Upon request the contractor shall provide a costed spares catalogue with lead times for all equipment, to be utilised by the authority on an add-hoc tasking basis for future financial years.
The Contractor shall nominate a Project Manager as the designated single Point of Contact to answer Authority technical queries relating to the operation and support of the system and manage the contract for an additional year.
The Contractor shall provide support to assist the Authority in the provision of the Management of Airworthiness and Air Safety for a year.
The Contractor shall provide the ability to integrate customer payloads into the system.
II.2.3)Renewals: No
II.3)Duration Of The Contract Or Time-Limit For Completion

Section III: Legal, Economic, Financial And Technical Information
III.1)Conditions relating to the contract
III.1.1)Deposits and guarantees required:
After review of the PQQ has been completed parent company guarantee may be requested.

III.1.2)Main financing conditions and payment arrangements and/or reference to the relevant provisions governing them:
Payment of goods and services will be made upon acceptance on CP&F.

III.1.3)Legal form to be taken by the group of economic operators to whom the contract is to be awarded:
If a group of economic operators submits a bid, the group must nominate a lead organisation to deal with the Authority. The Authority shall require the group to form a legal entity before entering into the contract.

III.1.4) Other particular conditions to which the performance of the contract is subject, in particular with regard to security of supply and security of information:
Any winning company would be working on OFFICIAL SENSITIVE assets and would need to be Baseline Personnel Security Standard (BPSS) checked.

Any COTS UAS supplied must not have built in functionally and their controlling software applications must not allow the collection of data relating to their use.

The winning Contractor must be prepared to provide information to support a Cyber Security Assessment if deemed necessary.

The Authority reserves the right to amend any condition related to security of information to reflect any changes in national law or government policy.

If any contract documents are accompanied by a Security Aspects Letter, the Authority reserves the right to amend the terms of the Security Aspects Letter to reflect any changes in national law or government policy whether in respect of the applicable protecting marking scheme, specific protective markings given, the aspects to which any protective marking applies or otherwise.
III.1.5) Information about security clearance
Candidates which do not yet hold security clearance may obtain such clearance until:2018-03-26 00:00:00.0

III.2)Conditions For Participation
III.2.1)Economic and financial capacity:
Criteria regarding the personal situation of economic operators (that may lead to their exclusion) including requirements relating to enrolment on professional or trade registers.
The Authority will apply all the offences listed in Article 39(1) of Directive 2009/81/EC (implemented as Regulation 23(1) of the Defence and Security Public Contract Regulations (DSPCR) 2011 in the UK) and all of the professional misconducts listed at Article 39(2) of Directive 2009/81/EC (see also Regulation 23(2) in the DSPCR 2011) to the decision of whether a Candidate is eligible to be invited to tender.

A full list of these criteria are at

Candidates will be required to sign a declaration confirming whether they do or do not have any of the listed criteria as part of the pre-qualification process.

Candidates who have been convicted of any of the offences under Article 39(1) are ineligible and will not be selected to bid, unless there are overriding requirements in the general interest (including defence and security factors) for doing so.

Candidates who are guilty of any of the offences, circumstances or misconduct under Article 39(2) may be excluded from being selected to bid at the discretion of the Authority.

Information and formalities necessary for evaluating if the requirements are met:
The Authority shall seek a declaration of Good Standing in the Pre-Qualification Questionnaire or separate Statement of Good Standing.
Criteria regarding the personal situation of subcontractors (that may lead to their rejection) including requirements relating to enrolment on professional or trade registers
Information and formalities necessary for evaluating if the requirements are met:
The Authority may wish to ensure that any sub-contractor has not committed a criminal offence in the conduct of its business or an act of grave misconduct.
III.2.2) Economic and financial standing:
Criteria regarding the economic and financial standing of economic operators (that may lead to their exclusion)

Not Provided
III.2.3) Technical and/or professional capacity:
Criteria regarding the technical and/or professional ability of economic operators (that may lead to their exclusion)

(a) in the case of a supply contract requiring the siting or installation of goods, a services contract or a works contract, the economic operator’s technical ability, taking into account in particular that economic operator’s skills, efficiency, experience and reliability;
(b) a list of works carried out over the past five years together with (unless the contracting authority specifies that the following certificate should be submitted direct to the contracting authority by the person certifying) certificates of satisfactory completion for the most important of those works indicating in each case: (i)the value of the consideration received; (ii)when and where the work or works were carried out; and (iii)specifying whether they were carried out according to the rules of the trade or profession and properly completed;
(c) a statement of the principal goods sold or services provided by the supplier or the services provider in the past five years, or during a shorter period if necessary, and: (i) the dates on which the goods were sold or the services provided; (ii) the consideration received; (iii) the identity of the person to whom the goods were sold or the service were provided; (iv) any certificate issued or countersigned by that person confirming the details of the contract for those goods sold or services provided; and (v) where – (a)that person was not a contracting authority, and (b)the certificate referred to in sub-paragraph (c)(iv) is not available, any declaration by the economic operator attesting the details of the goods sold or services provided;
(d) a statement of the technicians or technical services available to the economic operator to: (i) carry out the work under the contract, or (ii) be involved in the production of goods or the provision of services under the contract, particularly those responsible for quality control, whether or not they are independent of the economic operator;
(e) a statement of the economic operator’s: (i) technical facilities; (ii) measures for ensuring quality; (iii) study and research facilities; and (iv) internal rules regarding intellectual property;
(f) a check carried out by the contracting authority or on its behalf by a competent official body of the member State in which the economic operator is established: (i) on the technical capacity of the economic operator; and (ii) if relevant, on the economic operator’s study and research facilities and quality control measures;
(g) in the case of works contracts, services contracts or supply contracts also covering siting and installation operations or services, the economic operator’s educational and professional qualifications where the economic operator is an individual and: (i) if any, those of the economic operator’s managerial staff; and (ii) those of one or more persons who would be responsible for providing the services or carrying out the work or works under the contract;
(h) the environmental management measures, that the economic operator is able to apply when performing the contract, but only where it is necessary for the performance of that contract;
(i) a statement of the services provider’s or contractor’s average annual number of staff and managerial staff over the previous three years;
(j) a description of the tools, material, technical equipment, staff numbers, know-how and sources of supply (with an indication of their geographical location when it is outside the territory of the EU) available to the economic operator to perform the contract, cope with any additional needs required by the contracting authority as a result of a crisis or carry out the maintenance, modernisation or adaptation of the goods covered by the contract;
(k) any samples, descriptions and photographs of the goods to be purchased or hired under the contract and certification of the authenticity of such samples, descriptions or photographs;
(l) certification by official quality control institutes or agencies of recognised competence, attesting that the goods to be purchased or hired under the contract conform to standards and technical specifications (within the meaning of regulation 12(1)) identified by the contracting authority;
(m) in the case of contracts involving, entailing or containing classified information, evidence of the ability to process, store and transmit such information at the level of protection required by the contracting authority;
(n) a certificate: (i) attesting conformity to quality management systems standards based on the relevant European standard; and (ii) from an independent accredited body established in any member State conforming to the European standards concerning accreditation and certification;
(o) any other evidence of conformity to quality management systems standards which are equivalent to the standards referred to in sub-paragraph (n)(i);

Information and formalities necessary for evaluating if the requirements are met:
See PQQ for further information.
Criteria regarding the technical and/or professional ability of subcontractors (that may lead to their rejection)
Information and formalities necessary for evaluating if the requirements are met:
See PQQ for further information.
III.2.4) Information about reserved contracts: Not Provided
Section IV: Procedure
IV.1)Type Of Procedure
IV.1.1)Type of procedure: Accelerated Restricted
Justification for the choice of accelerated procedure: Urgent Capability Requirement
IV.1.2)Limitations on the number of operators who will be invited to tender or to participate:
Envisaged minimum number: 3 and maximum number: 6
IV.2)Award Criteria
IV.2.1)Award criteria:
The most economically advantageous tender in terms of
The criteria stated in the specifications, in the invitation to tender or to negotiate or in the descriptive document

IV.2.2)An electronic auction will be used: No

IV.3)Administrative Information
IV.3.1)File reference number attributed by the contracting authority: UAS/00095
IV.3.2)Previous publication(s) concerning the same contract: No

IV.3.3)Conditions for obtaining specifications and additional documents or descriptive document:

Date: 21/12/2017 Time-limit for receipt of requests for documents or for accessing documents: 12:00
Payable documents: No

IV.3.4)Time-limit for receipt of tenders or requests to participate
Date: 10/01/2018
Time: 23:59
IV.3.5)Date of dispatch of invitations to tender or to participate to selected candidates: Not Provided
IV.3.6)Language(s) in which tenders or requests to participate may be drawn up: English

Section VI: Complementary Information

VI.1)This Is A Recurrent Procurement: No
VI.2)The contract is related to a project and/or programme financed by European Union funds: No
VI.3)Additional Information: The contracting authority considers that this contract may be suitable for economic operators that are small or medium enterprises (SMEs). However, any selection of tenderers will be based solely on the criteria set out for the procurement.The Authority reserves the right to amend any condition related to security of information to reflect any changes in national law or government policy. If any contract documents are accompanied by instructions on safeguarding classified information (e.g. a Security Aspects Letter), the Authority reserves the right to amend the terms of these instructions to reflect any changes in national law or government policy, whether in respect of the applicable protective marking scheme, specific protective markings given, the aspects to which any protective marking applies, or otherwise. The link below to the website provides information on the Government Security Classification.

Advertising Regime OJEU:- This contract opportunity is published in the Official Journal of the European Union (OJEU),the MoD Defence Contracts Bulletin and

VI.4)Procedures For Appeal
VI.4.1)Body responsible for appeal procedures:
Ministry of Defence, Combat Air, Unmanned Air Systems (UAS) Team
Bristol, United Kingdom

Body responsible for mediation procedures:
Ministry of Defence, Combat Air, Unmanned Air Systems (UAS) Team
Bristol, United Kingdom

VI.4.2)Procedures for appeal: Not Provided

VI.4.3)Service from which information about the lodging of appeals may be obtained:
Not Provided

VI.5) Date Of Dispatch Of This Notice: 12/12/2017


II) Specific documentation can be obtained from:
Ministry of Defence, Combat Air, Unmanned Air Systems (UAS) Team
Ministry of Defence, Bristol, BS34 8JH, United Kingdom
Main Address:


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