The 21 EASF military personnel drawn out of Burundi, Comoros, Djibouti, Rwanda, Kenya, Seychelles, Somalia, Sudan and Uganda attended a five day long training.
The training, sponsored by the UK, is one of four training events arranged by British Peace Support Team (BPST) East Africa in the lead up to the Field Training Exercise being held in Sudan in November. It brought together EASF logistics officers from both the police and military together and helped them exercise roles before being deployed into peace support operations.
The other training events were the Mission Head Quarter training held in Kenya; Force training held in Uganda and Battle Group and Sector training, which is currently taking place in Uganda.
The UK has supported the EASF capacity building efforts since 2010 and will continue its support to enhance Global peace and security.
Defence Attaché, Colonel Munro said: “Peace and security are important for the UK and the East African region. I believe a well trained strong EASF is key to enhancing peace and security in the East African region. Building the capacities of EASF’s military personnel is one important way of ensuring these efforts.
“Logistics is an important area for capacity development of military personnel. This particular exercise will have a significant role in equipping officers for the field training exercise in Sudan next month.”
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British Defence Attaché EASF East Africa Logistic Map exercise