The contract follows on from the recently agreed five year agreement, through which WFEL is delivering DSB upgrades worth £30 million for several of the US Army’s existing Dry Support Bridges.
The DSB was originally accepted into service with the US Army in 2003 to provide temporary infrastructure in combat situations and in the event of natural disasters and can be deployed by a crew of eight people to span a 46m gap in less than 90 minutes.
The bridge – which is capable of carrying over 120 tonnes – includes a fatigue monitoring system which helps the user to determine the bridge’s remaining life, while the launching system’s built-in test equipment gives live system status and diagnostics.
Ian Wilson, chief executive of WFEL, said: “Since the US Army adopted the 46-metre Dry Support Bridge into service, we have been working closely with them to ensure that all their DSB equipment is capable of fulfilling its maximum potential. In addition to our upgrade packages which allow any 40m DSB bridge sets to be fully upgraded to span a 46m gap, we are delighted to be supplying this further tranche of 46m complete bridging systems in support of the European Deterrence Initiative.
“This continued demand for our products by an increasing number of users is a great testament to our equipment and gives a level of assurance to our customers that – like our Medium Girder Bridge – we are here for life and not just today.”
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