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The Defence Committee has launched an inquiry into Strategic Defence and Security Review (SDSR) 2015 and the RAF, to assess how effectively the RAF is implementing the ambitions outlined in the SDSR and its ability to meet ongoing and potential future strategic challenges.

The first inquiry the Defence Committee launched into SDSR 2015 was with the Army in May 2016, this parallel inquiry will examine the SDSR strategy for the RAF and whether it has taken the current threats facing the UK into account.

With a full inquiry into the affordability of the Plan already conducted (the Committee’s Defence Acquisition and Procurement inquiry) this separate inquiry also assesses whether the equipment plan provides a credible platform for the RAF to meet ongoing and potential future threats and vulnerabilities.

Call for evidence

  • The Committee invites written submissions on the following questions:
  • Does SDSR 2015 outline a credible and clear strategic vision for the future of the RAF and, if not, what should a vision for the future of the RAF entail?
  • How, if it all, does the SDSR equip the RAF to meet the potential threats and vulnerabilities outlined in our report Flexible response? An SDSR checklist of potential threats and vulnerabilities?
  • What impact did SDSR 2010 and the Future Force 2020 programme have on the capabilities of the RAF?
  • What progress has been made in the delivery of the Future Force 2020 programme?
  • Whether the RAF will be able, by 2025, to deliver two F35 squadrons jointly with the Royal Navy, and to deliver seven Typhoon squadrons as part of the 50,000 strong force envisaged by SDSR 2015?
  • How adequately does the 2016 Equipment Plan equip the RAF to meet the requirements of the Joint Force 2025 and other changing strategic circumstances, and establish the extent to which the RAF will procure Ground Based Air Defence equipment for the Army to man as part of Joint Force 2025?
  • What provision is being made to insure the commitments made in the SDSR against further depreciation in the value of the pound and a failure to realise estimated savings?
  • To what extent does the RAF have the levels of regular and reserve personnel and the skills required to meet its current and future commitments, including Joint Force 2025?
  • What capabilities are the RAF developing in respect of unmanned aerial vehicles and are they sufficient to meet ongoing and potential future strategic challenges?

The deadline for written submissions is 23 May 2017.

Send a written submission via the SDSR 2015 and the RAF inquiry page.

Image ©Crown Copyright. Tornado GR4 Aircraft from RAF Marhams 31 Sqn (The Gold Stars) are participating in Exercise Frisian Flag at Leeuwarden Air Force Base, The Netherlands.


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Defence Committee RAF SDSR 2015

Post written by: Vicky Maggiani

Vicky has worked in media for over 20 years and has a wealth of experience in editing and creating copy for a variety of sectors.


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