The Minister for Defence Procurement Acquisition Awards recognises teams for their exceptional performance, innovation, effort and commitment, which in turn has saved the taxpayer billions, and transformed defence procurement.
At the ceremony, held in Whitehall, eight teams were rewarded for their outstanding achievements and the ‘Innovation of the year’ award was presented for the first time.
Defence Minister Harriet Baldwin congratulated the teams: “It’s a pleasure to be here today to reflect on the success stories of Defence Procurement and Support. It’s always a privilege to meet those who work day in, day out to ensure our Armed Forces get the world-class kit they deserve, when they need it.”
Innovation was identified in the 2015 SDSR as a vital element in developing the UK’s defence opportunities. It underpins the development of technology and science for national security for items such as equipment, capabilities and skills, and develops our productivity and exporting opportunities.
A brand new ‘Innovation of the Year’ Award was introduced this year to reflect this, and was won by the 1710 Naval Air Squadron Corrosion Control & Husbandry Section for their work on Ebola decontamination and contribution to the global understanding of biological security. The team tested a number of disinfectants at Dstl Porton Down, which resulted in the discovery that standard cleaning solution was the most effective at destroying the virus while carrying no risk to the aircraft.
Other teams recognised were a group who delivered critical Military Satellite Communications research, which will allow UK MOD to have spaced based communications capability for around 15 years without the constant need for physical upgrades.
A Special Award was presented to a DE&S team who have transformed the way the Department operates, creating some £30Bn in reduction of the overall Defence inventory, raw materials and consumables. These efficiencies will be re-invested to support the MOD’s £178Bn Equipment Program.
Chief of Materiel (Land) DE&S General Paul Jaques said: “Over the course of three years the team has achieved a fundamental reduction in the size of the inventory, improving practices within DE&S resulting in £2.5 billion worth of savings to taxpayers.
“This award recognises this significant achievement and the efforts of all those involved. I am incredibly proud of them.”
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Chief of Materiel (Land) DE&S General Paul Jaques Dstl Harriett Baldwin Innovation Minister for Defence Procurement Acquisition Awards procurement SDSR 2015