Operating within the umbrella of the existing Framework Cooperation Agreement with the C-IED Centre of Excellence (CoE) in Spain, a new ‘Counter-IEDs analyst Interagency Unclassified Situational Awareness Tool’ (C-IUSAT) will soon enter into service in order to promote information sharing between C-IED operators.
Users will be able to have a greater situational understanding by projecting, with several degrees of probability, those next actions the threat could potentially execute. This will ensure further exchanges of intelligence between military and other involved agents such as host nations, law enforcement, governments, NGOs, private companies, etc.
C-IUSAT will be a common information exchange tool, with restricted access, available to different services/agencies and private organizations.
It will aid them in gathering information, displaying it on maps and create models that will be used in identifying expected paths or ways of action.
A web based tool, C-IUSAT can be accessed via PC or mobile phone. It is able to store its own map data that can generate different data layers for various events resulting in improved situational awareness.
The application is to be released in December 2016, with a meeting to follow in the New Year providing live showcase of the tools main features.
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C-IED Counter Improvised Explosive Devices EDA European Defence Agency