With the systems featuring a GVA-based design, data and images from all sensors and systems can be shared around the vehicle and different mission-specific configurations will be provided.
Modular mission systems will be tailored to each vehicle type and role, with DALO able to select the mix of rugged imaging sensors best suited to the job (up to full 360° colour and thermal imaging coverage), while benefiting from the lower maintenance costs and ease of training inherent in modular systems with common elements.
The mission system provided by Leonardo is based on the UK-led Generic Vehicle Architecture (GVA) standard which is increasingly being adopted by other allied nations. GVA is an approach to vehicle mission system design that uses standard infrastructure and system control interfaces making it easy to train users and more straightforward to upgrade a vehicle’s systems while reducing the cost of ownership by allowing mission-specific configurations and through-life upgrades.
The images from the mission system’s sensors are hosted on GVA multi-functional digital displays, providing low-latency digital video. Images from all sensors can be shared around the vehicle and multiple images can be displayed on screen at the user’s discretion to provide maximum information to suit functional requirements.
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DALO Danish denmark GVA Leonardo-Finmeccanica Piranha vehicle