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Nellis Air Force Base, Nevada plans to restructure the 57th Operations Group to enhance its focus on close air support integration, US Air Force (USAF) officials have announced.

The group’s mission will include high-end fight training as well as an increased emphasis on tactical-level close air support with experts to integrate fires in joint operations, advancing the joint close air support (CAS) enterprise and preserving the USAF’s CAS culture.

In March 2015, Air Combat Command ACC hosted a Future Close Air Support Focus Week, which brought together joint experts and leaders to assess the current state of the CAS mission, discuss future challenges and requirements, and determine items for further study to ensure the effectiveness of this critical mission.

One of the recommendations from the forum included setting up a CAS-dedicated organisation to help preserve what has been a highly effective CAS culture and help meet the close air support challenges of tomorrow.

Gen. Hawk Carlisle, the commander of Air Combat Command, said: “CAS is one of the most important jobs we have, and over the past 15 years we’ve developed exceptional capabilities and expertise in this mission area. The changes we’re making at Nellis are an important step in refining our CAS skills through future generations of Airmen so we can continue to provide ground forces with all the advantages airpower brings to close combat.”


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57th Operations Group ACC Air Combat Command CAS culture commander of Air Combat Command Future Close Air Support Focus Week Gen. Hawk Carlisle Nellis Air Force Base Nevada US Air Force USAF

Post written by: Domhnall MacInnes

I am a features writer for MOD DCB magazine and Defence Online and a Content Marketing Executive with BiP Solutions.


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